Showing: 51 - 60 of 144 RESULTS

Deep Scalp Massage

Deep Scalp Massage is another lovely massage to receive, this massage will be performed in a face-down position, it combines methods from Indian Head Massage & Hawaiian lomilomi massage. It …

Massage for Sleep!

sleep/ sliːpnoun a condition of body and mind that typically recurs for several hours every night, in which the nervous system is relatively inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles …

Massage & Depression

Is massage good for depression? People with depression often carry more emotional weight. Therefore, for someone that suffers from depression, stress make it more difficult to cope with life’s everyday …

Finding Time for You!

So today, 17th January 2022 is *Blue Monday* which has actually only been a date to consider since 2005! Blue Monday is supposedly the “most depressing day of the year,” …

Life’s Natural Rhythm

Life’s Natural Rhythm Slowing down and listening to your own natural rhythm can quickly connect you to the Universe. Nature’s natural rhythms orchestrate when day turns to night, when flowers …