As we are aware, our skin changes as we age and I think it’s always good to know that the carrier oils are being used to aid with the massage but to also help improve skin and make it feel pretty much “better” after you have left the Treatment Room.
Many Carrier Oils withouth Essential Oils help aches and pains, and yet more help with scarring, rashes etc.
I must admit I get quite excited when I find a new carrier oil that may help one of my clients whether that be due to thinning skin or dry skin, there is litterally a carrier oil for pretty much everything and of course, the benefits of them is when they are used regularly.
The Skin We are In…..
As we age, obviously our skin changes too, our skin thins and becomes less elastic and more fragile, and fatty tissue just below the skin decreases. It maybe that we bruise more easily. Decreased production of natural oils might make our skin drier. Wrinkles, age spots and small growths called skin tags are more common.
That’s where the role of body massage oils comes into being, using massage oil that can reduce stress and alleviate muscle tension and stiffness.
As always, when with me in the HY Treatment Room it is more than “a massage”
I like to take in all the considerations of ”Your Time’ with me, and one of the most important factors to a good, relaxing, muscle softening, head floaty massage is without a doubt, the Base Oils that are used. I spend time working out which ones my clients might benefit from at each massage treatment. This one part of my role as a Holistic Therapist taking the whole body into account, it’s all explained if you click on the link – it’s nothing mysterious it’s a wonderful way of looking after our selves!
Some of these carrier oils focused on, may well lap over during the course of these articles but primarily these are the ones that I will use for my ladies with mature or problematic skin.
So without further ado I am introducing to you some of the wonderful carrier oils that I use within my massage treatments and which I often suggest are used in between appointments.
We start with one of first oils I started blending with and my most favourite that I use for Indian Head Massage and the Wellbeing Facial Massage.
Grapeseed Oil
Vitis Vinifera Oil, commonly known as grapeseed oil, is extracted from the tiny seeds of grapes.
I do use quality, ready made blends which have a Grapeseed Oil base, as are some of the oil blends that are used for head and face massage. Although it can generally be used in many areas such as the shoulders and back with a solid scent of Peppermint Essential oil! When I infuse a carrier oil it will generally be with this divine little seed oil, that holds a plethora of wonders within.
Grapeseed oil packs a powerful punch thanks to natural stores of antioxidants and skin-promoting compounds. High amounts of omega fatty acids – especially linoleic acid – and vitamin E help maintain healthy moisture levels in the skin.
Grapeseed oil is full of vitamin E, which is excellent for locking moisture into the skin. This vitamin plays an essential role in softening and hydrating the skin’s outer layer. Meanwhile, it’s fatty acid components fortify the skin barrier while smoothing, moisturising and balancing the skin. Thanks to its vitamin E content, grapeseed oil benefits and assists in the production of collagen and improves skin tone. This mighty vitamin, along with proanthocyanidins which are flavonoid polyphenolic compounds widely present in many plants, known for their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, lipid metabolism-regulating, and anti-aging properties increase the restoration rate of collagen meaning firmer, more youthful looking skin.
Sesame oil – a core product in Ayurvedic medicines
Beyond its flavourful taste and skincare benefits, sesame oil can be used to alleviate muscle pain. It’s a natural oil used in Ayurveda. From strengthening the body to detoxifying it, a massage with sesame oil offers a natural remedy. In fact, people suffering from rashes or scratches from bug bites can use it as massage oil to reduce the scars. Sesame oil has holistic benefits for warming up skin during winter.
In the Ayurvedic dictionary, the role of sesame oil holds paramount importance. It’s mostly preferred because of the flowery and subtle scent. Since it has a warming effect, it can reduce your muscle pain.
Almond oil
Almond oil is great for massage as it is soaked in quickly. So, it’s a powerful moisturiser used both on your body and face. This is a great oil to combine with essential oils to get holistic benefits.
However, beyond moisturising, almond oil can be a great massage oil for joint pain.
Olive oil
Omitting olive oil from the list of body massage oil types would be unjustifiable. Usually preferred cold-pressed, olive oil is lightweight. So, it’s a popular choice among Indians. Evidently, it comes with monounsaturated fats. Additionally, it nourishes your skin from the inside. The finest part of using this oil for massage is it can reduce muscle and joint pain.
It’s great for massaging, from maintaining the moisture level to relieving inflammation and body aches.
Coconut oil
It’s the best natural remedy for reducing skin irritation. To some extent, coconut oil can also be used to reduce muscle and joint pain. You can use it by applying a thin layer to your muscles or joints. Then, just massage the affected area and discover how the pain is gone within a few uses.
Coconut oil is anti-inflammatory. You can apply coconut oil to reduce cramping, as a workout enthusiast, you may wish to include a massage session with coconut oil every week to reduce the post-workout pain.
I have several blends as a go to mainly for muscle pain and cramps – so if this is something you suffer with then do tell me and I can make a massage oil blend to use at your Treatment Time.
Jojoba oil
This over the last couple of years has become another favourite of my collection it’s always added into the Bain de Pied as well as other blends such as Rosemary for your Head Massage.
Suitable for all skin types (even the sensitive skin) it does not clog pores as it is non-comedogenic making it a great oil for for your Indian Head and facial massages. Has Vitamin E and B (and other minerals) for skin benefits.
Relaxes your body and nourishes your skin. In addition to the above benefits, jojoba massage oil can leave your feet with a smooth and soft touch as it is easily absorbed into the skin. This is why it’s a perfect addition to the Bain de Pied.
Argan Oil
This oil restores, strengthens, and heals the skin and is considered a valuable ingredient to boost skin tone and promote radiance for mature and ageing skin. It’s a rich source of antioxidants, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory qualities that work to rejuvenate, smooth and enhance skin tone and texture. It’s known to protect against sun damage and UV rays, boost skin elasticity, help the skin retain moisture, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
It is filled with essential fatty acids such as omega 6 and omega 9, making it the perfect anti-ageing remedy – especially when paired with essential oils.
NOT including my absolute go to oil for Tsuboki Face Massage would be a complete miss on my part. I love this oil and so do my clients – their skin looks amazing after a Tsuboki Face Massage and to be honest the oil adds something rather special to the glow on their face. The face lift is all down to the power of the hands and special massage along with the oil.
Camellia Oil / Teaseed Oil
It is a highly protective oil, being naturally rich in antioxidants including Vitamin E and Polyphenols, thereby enhancing the skin’s natural ability to safeguard from external irritants. It contains vitamins that stimulate collagen production and help tackle fine lines and wrinkles. Studies show that the plant offers restorative properties that can reduce the appearance of premature ageing and promote healthy skin. Vitamins A and B along with antioxidants increase elasticity and prevent lines and wrinkles by nourishing your skin cells. The vitamins provide incredible nourishment to your skin, leaving it looking and feeling velvety. Because the oil mimics your skin’s natural oil, your skin absorbs it quickly. It also penetrates deep through the epidermis. This is why after a Tsuboki Face Massage – it doesn’t feel like there is any oil on the face.
Also, applied to the hair and scalp; it hydrates, softens, adds luster, and tames dandruff.
To promote the benefits of your Massage Time and to get the best out of your time with me there is general lifestyle that needs to be taken into account also.
- Maintain a healthy and balanced diet
- Avoid excessive alcohol intake
- Avoid tugging and pulling when removing make-up
- Always remove make-up before going to bed
- Use gentle facial cleansing products
- Avoid smoking
- Drink plenty of water
I would like to add a link here to a hard working young lady that is aiming to get us all on the right path to looking after our skin. I have bought many of her products and I love them all! She also has great tips on her facebook page too. If you would like to know more then please GO HERE to browse Dr Nichola’s little shop of goodies!
This article is an accompaniment to Massage For All Ages, starting with 60+
Part 2 of the “Skin We Are In” will follow where I will share oils and tips for another Age Group!
As you can probably imagine, writing these articles does take time, however I love doing the research, always have! So if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me!

*Disclaimer: Holistic Wellbeing Massages are Complementary and should not replace medication from your healthcare provider.
Reiki can be administered to all age groups, pregnant ladies and those with health issues or indeed without health issues!