Tsuboki® Japanese Face Massage
I am delighted to add Tsuboki® Japanese Face Massage & Advanced Tsuboki Japanese Face Massage to my Holistic Wellbeing Massage Therapies.
The Japanese believe that to be beautiful you have to be healthy too, and that beauty is far more than skin deep. Tsuboki uses the ancient form of anma and acupressure massage on the superficial and deeper muscles of the face, which not only affects the muscle tone but the appearance of the skin, making your face glow with health and vitality!
It is truly relaxing and beneficial, most of my clients see an improvement in skin tone and appearance and a smoothing of wrinkles and fine lines, and often report that Tsuboki certainly has more than just the physical benefits of rejuvenating the skin and that they feel more alert, calm, serene and even euphoric afterwards.
Enjoying a regular Tsuboki face massage, can help to prevent lines, wrinkles and puffiness. A truly holistic therapy as the whole body is affected by work on the Meridians.
With Japanese face massage we improve the appearance of the face by working both the surface and deep musculature, as well as the skin. Also by working on the main meridians in the body, it is helping balance the health of the whole person.
Where there is an imbalance of Ki, it appears in the face, so if we help the energy to become more balanced and flowing, the face will naturally become more radiant.
Face Massage – Tsuboki also works along the meridian pathways that run from the face and throughout the body. Working specific acupressure points along these meridians helps to restore balance to the whole body. Tsuboki also works on the lymphatic system to encourage the removal of toxins and metabolic waste from the tissues of the skin.
All of the techniques used in Tsuboki help to prevent lines and wrinkles, reduce puffiness, and improve the appearance of the skin, no wonder it’s considered a natural facelift!
What is Tsuboki®
Tsuboki is a modern therapy created by Anne Parry, is based on meridian theory, which can be traced back thousands of years to Japan and China.
Tsubo = (acupressure point) – this is a place along a meridian or energy pathway where the energy can be most influenced, affecting the systems of the body on many levels.
Ki = the energy that flows through the meridians.
Tsuboki = Massage using the Tsubo’s or acupressure points to influence the flow of Ki or energy in the body.
Tsuboki massage comprises of four specific stages:
Stage One: Massage to the neck and shoulders to increase circulation to the face and reduce tension in these areas.
Stage Two: A detailed and relaxing facial massage using camellia oil as traditionally used in Japan.
Stage Three: Stimulation of Tsubo points along 8 meridian pathways.
Stage Four: Lymphatic drainage to eliminate toxins.
Stage 3 & 4 do not have to be administered if the Client feels it would not be suited to them. But we talk about this before the Session begins.
Jade & Ridoki Rollers can be added to enhance this wonderful face massage. To learn more about the use of these Rollers please use the button below.

Benefits of Tsuboki Face Massage:
Tsuboki is great for stress management, giving a a feeling of inner peace and calm as well as having the great rejuvenating effects associated with massage of the facial muscles and stimulation of collagen and elastin within the connective tissue.
Beauty is more than skin deep and Tsuboki helps to promote well-being and the removal of metabolic waste products, which affect muscle tone and general appearance of the skin and positively affect the balance of health in the whole body.
Following relaxing massage of the face and neck, acupressure or Tsubo points along the Meridians (energy lines) are gently pressed and stimulated. This treatment seems to have the dual effects of deep relaxation and yet a feeling of alertness soon afterwards.
*Please note that the Meridian (Stage 3) massage is not suitable for women who are pregnant and face massage is not suitable for anyone who has had recent Botox or similar procedures.*
This Fabulous massage also works beautifully with the Hopi Ear Candle treatment or indeed a Relaxing Foot or Hand Massage. As they involve laying on the Therapy Bed, alternatively you can start with an Indian Head Massage and then move to the massage bed to have the Tsuboki Face Massage. If you would be interested in one of my Combination Massage Treatments then please contact me beforehand so we can arrange that.
As a stand alone Massage it is another therapy that I love to adminster, and knowing how my clients feel and look afterwards – makes me feel very happy!
The treatment gives you a feeling of complete bliss, relaxation and like all Relaxing Holistic Treatments, you feel the benefits from Head to Toe.

Clients feedback is that of “feeling incredibly relaxed during the massage, but very soon afterwards, energised and revitalised.”
Any questions please do not hesitate to contact me….

Qualified Massage Therapist of Tsuboki 1 & Advanced
(created by Anne Parry)
La finalité de mon activité est uniquement le bien-être de la personne. Conformément à la législation en vigueur, les massages bien-être que je pratique en l’absence de diagnostic et de traitement thérapeutique, ne s’apparentent en rien, ni dans les contenus ni dans les objectifs, à la pratique de la masso-kinésithérapie, ainsi qu’à toute pratique médicale ou thérapeutique. Il s’agit de techniques manuelles de bien-être et de relaxation uniquement.
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