Deep Scalp Massage is another lovely massage to receive, this massage will be performed in a face-down position, it combines methods from Indian Head Massage & Hawaiian lomilomi massage.

It is a grounding, relaxing, easing tension, stress, can help relieve anxiety & improves the mood!

It works perfectly with a back/shoulder and neck massage and can also added to the Laying down IHM or any other wellbeing massage.

I hope you decide to try this lovely head massage – it is very therapeutic and works on gentle back and forth moves to more vigorous moves. I work around the meridians of the head and incorporate various methods movements to help ease the tension that is so often held in the scalp.

Please don’t hesitate to ask if you would like try this massage out on it’s own, or if you would like to include it in any other massage during your “me time”

I have now added Deep Scalp Massage to my Massage Therapies as I have officially passed the course and received wonderful feedback from my instructors “you’re doing great work, detailed and attentive treatments and client care with great feedback, nice and very professional job!”

Thank you to those of that you that allowed me to “practice” on you for the practice sessions I needed!

Have a lovely weekend – and keep warm!!

*Disclaimer: Holistic Wellbeing Massages are Complementary and should not replace medication from your healthcare provider.

Reiki can be administered to all age groups, pregnant ladies and those with health issues or indeed without health issues!

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