Foot Massage

The Relaxing foot massage is a gentle massage around the toes, soles of the feet, top of the feet, ankles and lower leg. We can either start or end a combination massage, for those that commence with the feet I use foot socks, the creams that I start the massaage with are left to soak into your feet making them all lovely and warm and ready for gentle closing massage.

Reflexologists from all traditions agree that foot massage can relax and
benefit the whole body.

The Relaxing Foot massage could also be included in a Combined Massage or at the start or end of one of the standard Treatments for €5 extra.

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Hand Massage
The hand is one of the most sensitive and repetitively strained areas of
the body. Using techniques that are designed to unlock the tension that accumulates during everyday life.

I use essential oil blends that are good for aches and pains and general relaxation.

The forearm is also cared for massaging around the elbows and wrists. Gentle yet effective – the hand massage could also be included in a Combined Massage at the start or end of one of the standard Treatments for €5 extra. Please see my 2023 Tariff for further information….

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