I love finding out what my favourite or sometimes not so favourite foods have to share nutritionally wise – we are often told that so many vegetables and fruits are “bad” however, this is not always the case, yes fruits have sugar in them – these are fruit sugars and not the same as processed sugars – we are better reaching for an apple or pear than a chocolate bar or fizzy drink. IF you are in doubt there are many apps that can help with finding out if it is a low or high carb/ calorie content etc. and also FODMAPs are an issue too that can also be worked out from elimination of high fodmap foods.

However, if we can focus on the goodness within these we can still enjoy some fruits such as mango for instance – moderately and still gain the health benefits.

Eating in season means encouraging short distribution channels and local agriculture:

In-season fruit and vegetables require less transport and packaging than out-of-season or imported produce. So they generate fewer greenhouse gas emissions and less waste, which is good for the environment and the climate. By choosing seasonal fruit and vegetables, you’re also promoting short distribution channels and local agriculture, which helps to support producers, preserve jobs and know-how, and boost the economy. Seasonal fruit and vegetables can be found in organic shops, markets, cooperatives, AMAPs (Associations pour le maintien d’une agriculture paysanne) or directly from producers. 

So for this month, we SPRING to the Letter P – there are so many amazing Fruits and Vegetables to eat and of course listing them all would take for ever and a day!

These Vegetables & Fruit are going to be found as they are in Season

Spring in France  (March, April, May): asparagus, artichokes, radishes, carrots, spinach, lettuce, strawberries, cherries, rhubarb, kiwi fruit, lemons,

Today I will focus on Pototoes with a very simple recipe so you can enjoy as a side with any Spring Meal…and if you want to eat one of the best potatoes here in France – you can’t go wrong with the selection from the wonderful Ilê de Ré

Are Potatoes Healthy? A Superfood with a Bad Reputation ...

What are the health benefits of potatoes?

They’re rich in vitamin C, which is an antioxidant.
Potatoes were a life-saving food source in early times because the vitamin C prevented scurvy.
Another major nutrient in potatoes is potassium, an electrolyte which aids in the workings of our heart, muscles, and nervous system.

Is it OK to eat a potato everyday?

​ There can be benefits of eating a potato everyday. According to health experts, it could lower your blood pressure, as long as you aren’t deep frying it or topping or pairing it with foods high in saturated fat.
The fibre and potassium in potatoes are good for heart health.

Are potatoes healthier than rice?

Of rice, pasta, potatoes, and bread, potatoes are the healthiest of these starchy and complex carbohydrate foods. This is because potatoes are dense in nutrients, containing essential minerals, vitamins, and other micronutrients. Potatoes are also high in fibre, helping to satiate hunger and regulate blood sugar.

Is potato a superfood?

First cultivated by the Inca Indians in Peru around 8,000 BC to 5,000 B.C the potato is the original Superfood. For decades this nutritional powerhouse – 100 calories, little fat, and an excellent source of potassium and vitamin C and was one of the most reliable sources of caloric energy.

What is the healthiest way to eat a potato?

Cook potatoes by boiling, steaming or microwaving them without adding other ingredients. Preparing potatoes in this manner will ensure that they are very low in salt, sugar and fat.
Another method of cooking potato the healthy way is to cook it with its skin this provides fibre to the body.

Do potatoes have Omega 3?

Potatoes have only a trace of fat, and that tiny amount is split between saturated and polyunsaturated fat. They also have trace amounts of omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids

Potato Nutrition Highlights

+An excellent source of vitamin C

+A good source of potassium (more than a banana!)

+A good source of vitamin B6

+Potatoes are nutrient-dense complex carbohydrates

+Potatoes are fat-, sodium- and cholesterol-free

+Potatoes are only 110 calories per serving

What is the nutritional value of 100 grams of potatoes?

The nutrients found in 2/3 cup (100 grams) of boiled potatoes — cooked with the skin but without salt — are ( 1 ): Calories: 87. Water: 77% Protein: 1.9 grams.

Which Potatoes Are the Healthiest?

  1. Purple Potatoes. Purple potatoes are packed with beneficial plant compounds, including anthocyanins (a type of antioxidant). …
  2. Red Potatoes. Red potatoes are an excellent source of flavonoid antioxidants like quercetin, kaempferol-rutinose, catechin, and rutin. …
  3. Sweet Potatoes.

Baked New Potatoes & Wild Garlic – Tom Kerridge


  • 800g new potatoes, any larger ones halved
  • 4 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp white wine vinegar
  • 1 tbsp wholegrain or Dijon mustard
  • 2 tbsp chopped parsley
  • 2 tbsp fine capers, drained and chopped
  • 100g wild garlic or watercress, roughly chopped


  • STEP 1 Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Toss the potatoes in 1 tbsp of the oil and plenty of sea salt, tip into a baking tray and and bake for 45 mins-1 hr, tossing occasionally, until golden and cooked through.
  • STEP 2 Remove from the oven and transfer to a large bowl. While still hot, toss through the remaining ingredients until the wild garlic or watercress has wilted. Leave to cool slightly before serving.

If you would like further ideas of what to Eat in April then this is a great app called Yuka I have recently found it and it’s great to analyse food and make up products!

A rainbow of colours on your plate will ensure you are getting the right nutrients in your diet, if you can’t eat something due to health issues, there are always alternatives, and whether you feel you can’t eat it because it’s not a nice taste, or you have visions of it slopped up on your plate at school meals, then choose other ways of cooking or serving!
Bon Appetite!

disclaimer *I’m not a doctor! – these articles are purely for your own takeaway. There is by no means any intended medical advice given and all articles are read from trusted sources, coursework and books I have read and am reading. If you have any health issues then please seek advice of your doctor before approaching a nutritionist. If you would like to talk about any of the issues or foods on my website for a holistic nutrition approach then please contact me directly. I cannot offer advice other than what I have gained holistic nutrition / massage diplomas in.

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