sleep/ sliːp
a condition of body and mind that typically recurs for several hours every night, in which the nervous system is relatively inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended.
One hour massage equates to 7-8 hours of sleep on the body. There are approximately 5 million touch receptors in our skin – 3,000 in a finger tip. Muscles are made up of bundles from about 5 in the eyelid to about 200 in the buttock muscles. Touch is the first sense to develop in humans, and may be the last to fade.

Can Massage Help You Sleep?
Two things occur when you get a massage which can help with sleep: a reduction in pain and tension in the body, and a gentler, more stable journey from wakefulness to sleep. Sleep is a whole-body process that responds to changes in body chemistry coordinated with the circadian system.
Massage may help improve sleep in two primary ways. The first is by alleviating stress. Stress is known to affect sleep. Massage reduces stress by decreasing cortisol (a stress hormone) and increasing serotonin and dopamine (neurotransmitters that help to stabilize mood).
Using massage to decrease stress and to promote relaxation may help you sleep better.
The other way that massage may help with sleep is by managing pain and tension caused by stress or injury. Pain and sleep loss can exacerbate one another , leading to a vicious cycle. A lack of sleep can worsen pain, while pain itself can make it difficult to find a comfortable enough position to fall asleep. Successful treatment of pain may improve sleep. Massage therapy has been shown to be helpful in managing various types of pain, including headaches , neck and back pain, arthritis, and pain after surgery.
Insomnia is the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep. It can be acute, lasting for several days, or chronic, lasting up to several months. Some people deal with insomnia that has no identifiable cause , which is called primary insomnia. For others, the insomnia is related to a specific cause or condition, also called secondary insomnia.
Evidence on the use of massage therapy to treat primary insomnia treatment is limited. However, researchers have found massage therapy to improve sleep in people who have secondary insomnia related to menopause, cancer, cancer caregiving , congestive heart failure, and other conditions.
Please do not hesitate to talk to me if you have any health issues prior to our massage session – this can also help me to make a beautiful relaxing massage blend – just for you!
If you are struggling with sleep, massage therapy may be worth looking into. Massage is a natural and noninvasive way to help you relax!
My Holistic Massages can play a vital role in aiding sleep – each massage is relaxing and works around meridians in your body. Clients that enjoy a massage, generally benefit from a good night’s sleep!
Did you know Bob Hope, had daily massages as part of his health regimen and lived to 100 years old.
I will leave that with you – along with this Link to all related articles to help you get your zzzz’s
Have a great weekend and hope you sleep well!

disclaimer *I’m not a doctor! – these articles are purely for your own takeaway. There is by no means any medical advice given and all articles are sourced from trusted sources, coursework and books I have read and am reading. If you have any health issues then please seek advice of your doctor before approaching a nutritionist. If you would like to talk about any of the issues or foods on my website for a holistic nutrition approach then please contact me directly. I cannot offer advice other than what I have gained holistic nutrition and massage diplomas.