PHILOSOPHY: characterized by the belief that the parts of something are intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole
MEDICINE: characterized by the treatment of the whole person, taking into account mental and social factors, rather than just the symptoms of a disease.
What is the true meaning of holistic?
Holistic is an adjective that describes things related to the idea that the whole is more than the sum of its parts. In other words, that the entirety of something must be considered instead of just considering its parts. This philosophy is called holism, and that’s where the word holistic comes from.
I am often asked – what is an Holistic Therapist and why are your therapies called Holistic….
It’s something I looked into right at the start of my journey into Nutrition and Massage Therapy, I was already a Reiki Pracitioner and Indian Head Massage Therapist so explaining it became quite easy – it’s not as mystical as it sounds really! When I embarked on my Nutrition qualifications it made sense to me to continue along the “holistic path” adding more to be able to work with a varied group of people with their health needs.
Basically Holistic treatment is for the body, mind, spirit and emotions, holistic therapy simply refers to treating the whole person rather than individual symptoms. Also widely known as CAM – complementary and alternative medicine – holistic practices assist in regaining the physical and energy balances of the body.

Reiki is just one of the Holisitic therapies that cover so many aspects of health, including cancer patients that contraindicated from other treatments. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing.
There are many benefits to Holistic Therapy and being a Therapist has helped me grow and find other approaches to “self care” and maintaining a happy healthy life.
I love finding out new ways of looking after oneself and have written about way we can all enjoy being part of the bigger holistic picture here.
In the giving of Holistic Therapies we are incorporating many aspects to ones health, including talking about general health and lifestyle, sleep patterns and more.
Over time massages will benefit the recipient on so many levels but also, maybe in talking before or after the session they have recieved much more….sometimes a lightbulb moment happens about a certain aspect of ongoing health problems and then having that hour of a wellbeing massage and the offer of helping that person to start working on a certain problem – such as insomnia – we can start to work on healing the body.
I love engaging with my clients, I find people so interesting and enjoy that contact. Also, this may lead to a little insight for me and can help on the emotional, physical and mental levels also. Once contact both verbally and physically is made – the massage becomes far more natural.
Hippocrates was known as the father of medicine in 4th century B.C. and was the first one to encourage
self-healing of the body
What is holistic massage?
A Holistic Body Massage is a massaging treatment that focuses on tense and stressed-out muscles but also helps impact a client’s emotional wellbeing. … The whole point of a holistic body massage is to target the places on your body that you feel is most “stressed out”.
Hence why an Indian Head Massage works so well – we hold tensions in our head, shoulders and neck – when massaging the head – the body is literally getting a whole massage. Indian Head Massage provides a
‘de-stressing’ programme for the whole body and has a far reaching effect on everyone of the body’s systems.
Whichever Massage my client chooses, for me, it is more than that person lying on the massage bed and receiving a treatment. Care is given at each area of the body, a simple massage of the ear which is incorporated within a massage can mean as much to one person, as having a foot massage to another. It is taking time and consideration and making sure that each body part is “listened” to. This is why no massage is ever the same, as a therapist, intuition also plays a huge part within a Treatment.
“Our bodies are our temples. The essential function of a temple is to provide communion, feed the soul and awaken the spirit. A temple is also, in and of itself, a work of art with a long history of development.
Deane Juhan
I hope this helps explain a little more about Holistic Massage Therapy and me as a Holistic Therapist.

disclaimer *I'm not a doctor! - these articles are purely for your own takeaway. There is by no means any medical advice given and all articles are sourced from trusted sources, coursework and books I have read and am reading. If you have any health issues then please seek advice of your doctor before approaching a nutritionist. If you would like to talk about any of the issues or foods on my website for a holistic nutrition approach then please contact me directly. I cannot offer advice other than what I have gained holistic nutrition / massage diplomas in
La finalité de mon activité est uniquement le bien-être de la personne. Conformément à la législation en vigueur, les massages bien-être que je pratique en l’absence de diagnostic et de traitement thérapeutique, ne s’apparentent en rien, ni dans les contenus ni dans les objectifs, à la pratique de la masso-kinésithérapie, ainsi qu’à toute pratique médicale ou thérapeutique. Il s’agit de techniques manuelles de bien-être et de relaxation uniquement.