Tsuboki® Japanese Face Massage I am delighted to add Tsuboki® Japanese Face Massage & Advanced Tsuboki Japanese Face Massage to my Holistic Wellbeing Massage Therapies. The Japanese believe that to …
Holistically Yours Tsuboki Face Massage

Reiki is a beautiful form of energy healing that is versatile, gentle, and effective. Where Does Reiki Come From? Reiki, as it is practiced today, dates back to the teachings …

Indian Head Massage for Children…
Indian women began offering head massages to their daughters more than 1,000 years ago. They combined them with oils, which included coconut, almond, olive and buttermilk, to keep their hair …

Indian Head Massage and Contraindications
I want you to have the best of times here with me, an Indian Head Massage is a wonderful way of relaxing and the feeling of rejuvenation & chill afterwards, …
How Indian Head Massage can aid Insomnia
Indian head massage, also known by the portmanteau “champissage” (chämpi—the Indian word for massage in many dialects + massage), is based on the ancient Ayurvedic form of healing that dates …
How Complementary Therapies can help…..Stress
HOLISTICALLY YOURS·MONDAY, 10 DECEMBER 2018· As we know stress and worry can affect anyone, any age, any gender, it can be mild or overtake a person’s life…. For some there …