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Hello there! And here we are, now greeting another month - which incidentally has a history of being a month for purification and cleansing. The Roman's
Well it's definitely a change of weather here these last couple of days! The wind and rain has arrived in
Hello there, I hope that you have all had a good week….shame the sun has disappeared and left us with
When I added the Pomegranate Vegan Friendly Solid Shampoos and Conditioner to the HY Boutique - I had already been
Well, here we are in a New Year and we have had some pretty cold weather so far....but it's nice
Oh, is this wonderful weather we have here in France! Winter is really upon us (even though we aren't officially
HY on Foodie Friday with The Twins Wardrobe Hi! My name is Holly, I’m a 24 year old film graduate
A few months back one of my lovely friends gave me a can of Jackfruit to try – she said
I read an article about Exercise and focus, and thought it very interesting, I may not be going to the
Yes, you read it right...TOFU or not Tofu is the question we have asked ourselves many a time in this