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I love the Ayishu inspired Bain de Pied, it is something really quite special to commence Massage Time with this
According to folklore, foot massage was taught by Buddha, and then later combined with Traditional Chinese Medicine. In the 5th
In addition to the Tsuboki Foot Massage I have introduced the Ayishu inspired Bain de Pied. I wanted to make
I love Redbush Tea - I found in in our local co-op in the UK many years ago now, and
Over the years I have shared about Tisanes and Teas, however they don't seem to have made the cut to
And here we are, the end of another 4 day week! I hope you've all profited yesterday in some way?
I spotted this recipe on one of my favourite pages I follow on my socials , I thought it looked
As many of my friends and clients know - I LOVE SAGE, in Tea, in an Essential Oil Blend, Hair
I love discovering the many benefits of Herbs and Spices and the impact they can have on our overall health
I love discovering the many benefits of Herbs and Spices and the impact they can have on our overall health