Showing: 11 - 20 of 35 RESULTS

HY Bain de Main

Holistically Yours Bain de Main It seems only right that if you are TREATing your Feet then absolutely stands to reason that our hands deserve a lovely Bain de Main …

Tsuboki Foot Massage

According to folklore, foot massage was taught by Buddha, and then later combined with Traditional Chinese Medicine. In the 5th and 6th century warrior monks brought it to Japan, where …

Ayishu Style Bain de Pied

In addition to the Tsuboki Foot Massage I have introduced the Ayishu inspired Bain de Pied. I wanted to make this Treament for your Feet something a little different and …

REIKI faq’s

Answering a few FAQ’s that I am often asked about Reiki…What is Reiki and how is it performed?Reiki therapy is a gentle touch therapy that involves the placing of my …

Deep Scalp Massage

Deep Scalp Massage is another lovely massage to receive, this massage will be performed in a face-down position, it combines methods from Indian Head Massage & Hawaiian lomilomi massage. It …

Massage for Sleep!

sleep/ sliːpnoun a condition of body and mind that typically recurs for several hours every night, in which the nervous system is relatively inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles …