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Good Day!I thought I would share a new offer with you for June. I have been chatting with various people
I love finding out what my favourite or sometimes not so favourite foods have to share nutritionally wise – we
A few months ago I shared Part 1 What happens when we Relax and included the Benson Technique, this article
I love finding out what my favourite or sometimes not so favourite foods have to share nutritionally wise – we
If you are looking for something that little bit special, that makes a lovely gift for your loved ones and
The loyalty card has been introduced so that my clients can enjoy a free massage of choice, depending on how
Summertime and you need a massage? Relax into the new season, climb onto my Massage Table and leave with a
Spring Forward Time Change I think we all agree that it's harder to "spring forward" into daylight saving time than
Contra-indications  for Hopi Ear Candling Therapy Hopi ear Candling cannot be carried out on the following: • Recent ear surgery,
Admire each tiny shoot peeking up from the still-cold ground. New green leaves and buds on the trees make me feel