Is massage good for depression?
People with depression often carry more emotional weight. Therefore, for someone that suffers from depression, stress make it more difficult to cope with life’s everyday challenges. Research shows that simple relaxation techniques, such as massage, meditation and yoga can help to alleviate stress and anxiety.
How does massage affect mental health?
Massage therapy has been known to lower stress, decrease anxiety, and reduce irritability. Along with increasing brain serotonin and dopamine, the combination of these effects lead to a happier individual.
Studies suggest the stress-alleviating effects (decreased cortisol and the activating effects of increased serotonin and dopamine) of massage therapy on a variety of medical conditions and stressful experiences.
Data from studies of 84 pregnant women entering their 2nd trimester also had positive outcomes suggest that depressed pregnant women and their offspring can benefit from massage therapy. The group participants received two 20 minute therapy sessions each week for 16 weeks of pregnancy, starting during the second trimester. The women reported lower levels of anxiety and depressed mood and less leg and back pain. By the end of the study the massage group had higher dopamine and serotonin levels and lower levels of cortisol and norepinephrine.
This is so interesting as we know by now, that there are many benefits to all wellbeing massage. So by having a massage, even monthly – can aid Depression by lowering Cortisol levels and increasing Serotonin and dopamine can help depression.
When you come to me for your “self care time” I offer a post massage Tisane and an ear if you need before you leave!
If you feel that a massage could help you or indeed someone you know then please contact me and we can book you /them in.
Anxiety is high at the moment for many, and I’ve been asked about the wearing of masks in the Treatment Room…whilst it is not considered obligatory for us to wear masks, I will continue to wear mine, as I prefer to make clients feel comfortable whilst in my hands.

I look forward to TREATing you soon
disclaimer *I’m not a doctor! – these articles are purely for your own takeaway. There is by no means any medical advice given and all articles are sourced from trusted sources, coursework and books I have read and am reading. If you have any health issues then please seek advice of your doctor before approaching a nutritionist. If you would like to talk about any of the issues or foods on my website for a holistic nutrition approach then please contact me directly. I cannot offer advice other than what I have gained holistic nutrition / massage diplomas in