I love discovering the many benefits of Herbs and Spices and the impact they can have on our overall health and wellbeing. As I use a lot of essential oils, I always research the benefits and contraindications before using on clients or on the other hand a client may wish to invest in their own EO’s to use in between Treatment Times, so I think it’s a good idea to do the research first.
I must admit time and time again I become completely fascinated by the herbs, trees and flowers that have been used for thousands of years for medicinal purposes, something that grows in our gardens or on terraces can become our new best friend for health and wellbeing.
I also realise that I maybe just sharing information that is commonly known, however if by sharing it helps one person to find something to add to their wellbeing ritual then my time has been well spent!
I am a great believer in natural products, I tend to try using nature first (but I will still take prescribed medication if and when needed!)
Last year I drank copious amounts of Sage ‘tea’ and sometimes blended the leaves with other calming herbs and flowers, such as Lavender, I must admit I did notice a considerable drop in the Hot Flushes (flashes), I am now getting back into the habit of making the infusion again! It also goes extremely well with lemon, ginger and honey to ease sore throats (and It’s helping, at time of writing this!)
Sage tea has been traditionally used for the treatment of digestive and circulation disturbances, bronchitis, cough, asthma, angina, mouth and throat inflammations, depression, excessive sweating, skin diseases, and many other diseases.
Sage has high levels of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. It has a long history as a folk remedy for many conditions, but it hasn’t been studied extensively for menopause. People use sage for several menopausal symptoms including night sweats, hot flashes, and mood swings.
And Sage also helps modulate dopamine and serotonin, positively affecting overall mood, thinking, planning and focus.
The most recent study reveals an exciting additional benefit of fresh Sage extract – it can also have a positive effect on the brain, which can help relieve emotional symptoms such as brain fog, anxiety and more.
This of course means sage is also effective to aid relieve menstrual cramps, support hormonal balance and reduce excessive bleeding. Taken as a Sage tea or try Clary Sage essential oil blended with a carrier oil and massage into to your abdomen and lower back before and during your period can help alleviate pains.

The genus Salvia, commonly known as sage, is the largest member of Lamiacea or mint family containing over 900 species throughout the world.
The plants are mostly aromatic and perennial with flowers in different colours.
Many species of Salvia, including Salvia officinalis (common sage), are native to the Mediterranean region and some of the Salvia species have been used worldwide as flavoring spices as well as traditional herbal medicine.
Salvia essential oils have been used in the treatment of a wide range of diseases like those of the nervous system, heart and blood circulation, respiratory system, digestive system, and metabolic and endocrine diseases. In addition, sage essential oil has been shown to have carminative, antispasmodic, antiseptic, and astringent properties.

S. officinalis (common sage) is considered to have the highest amount of essential oil compared to the other species of Salvia!
Sage can be used externally for your hair, skin, and nails. Used as a rinse, it is said to improve the texture and tone of hair, as well as leave a nice shine. Sage steeped in water can also be used as a facial toner that controls oily skin. Tea tree oil, basil oil, sage oil, and arrowroot have been found to help vent and treat fungal infection in toenails.
- Prevents hair loss.
- Restores shine to hair
- Stimulates hair growth
- Darkens hair
- Grow Thicker and Stronger Hair
- Reduce Dandruff and Itches
- Boost Blood Flow in the Scalp
This wonderful common herb contains heaps of vitamins B and C, as well as magnesium, zinc, and potassium, all of which improve the growth and strength of hair.
Sage is a known antibiotic and anti-septic, antibacterial, anti-fungal… the list goes on.
Like neem this herb helps to manage dermatitis and psoriasis, it heals the skin, is anti-inflammatory, balances sebum production, and being astringent, it reduces dandruff and prevents clogged hair follicles.
Use as an essential oil or made at home by steeping the fresh leaves in hot water and then using the water as a scalp treatment and hair rinse, sage can be an effective and healing agent that promotes shine and supports hair growth.
For the treatment of hair loss:
For the treatment of hair loss and slowdown male baldness it is recommended to mix 3-4 drops of sage essential oil with equal amounts of rosemary and peppermint essential oils and dilute them in 1 tablespoon of castor or sesame oil.
Sage contains beta-sitosterol, a 5-alpha reductase compound that has been found effective in treating hair fallout.
For shiny hair:
To add shine and luster to your head of hair make a sage tea using a handful of fresh leaves and boiling them in 1 cup of water, let cool and then apply as a rinse after your conditioner.
As mentioned, sage is also thought to defend against dandruff and can be used in this manner pre-emptively.
To stimulate your hair to growth faster: Sage is used effectively to improve circulation to the scalp, providing more nutrition to the hair follicles and encouraging new hair growth. A weekly application of sage tea is suggested to revitalize dry and thinning hair and add thickness.
To darkens hair color: Sage is also reported to intensify and darken hair color by using it regularly as a tea wash. Whether this method is effective or not (we haven’t tried it ourselves), it will most definitely add shine and luster to your hair and nourish the strands with nutrients the hair loves.

A nice easy herb to grow alongside Rosemary!
This information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor. Holistically Yours disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information.
Never use essential oils directly on skin, always use a base oil to blend, I’m happy to help, I have a plethora of information at hand but also google is your friend.
If you have never used an essential oil on your body before please take a patch test 24 hours prior to using, especially if you have plant or nut based allergies! Dilute the essential oil in a base oil before using on any part of your skin, there are very few EO’s that can be applied directly to skin.