It’s cold today, no, I stand corrected it’s freezing here at the moment! -4 when we went out for a 9am rendezvous this morning. It’s funny I don’t mind being in a cold bedroom at night but during the day, I hate being cold!
I decided to make a Winter warming soup for lunch and we are pretty low on staples, well and food actually BUT I had cooked a butternut squash yesterday so I planned to use that today, but what to go with it? In the fridge sat some pears I’ve been promising to eat, so could they work with the BNS?
I Googled this immediately and came across many recipes that included both my ingredients but some wanted more ingredients.
I opted for the one that looked the least faffy and am I glad I did! It’s simple, the ingredients are stored cupboard staples and although I tweaked it a little it all came together so easily!
As I had cooked the BNS all I needed to do was roast the Pears and garlic, I added a stock cube, cinnamon (umm there was a good teaspoon that fell in!) ginger,(yup a good teaspoon ) tumeric,(ooops there was a bit more than I anticipated that went in!) coriander, black pepper and a twist of sea salt to the BNS which was ready in the soup maker.
Once the pears and garlic were cooked I added to the soup maker and drizzled our lovely olive oil from Javea and let the soup maker do its thing.
I was a tad reticent (I either make a cracking soup or I don’t, there’s no middle ground!) It smelt good would it taste good though? Yes, yes it did! It’s unctuous and creamy (but there’s no cream added) it is delicious!!

I would highly recommend you make it, today or tomorrow but it has to happen 👌
You can find this easy and nutritious recipe here
I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I definitely did and there’s leftovers! Bon appetit and keep warm 💜