As we head into a new season, why not enjoy a wellbeing intuitive massage, which helps all the aches and pains, stresses and strains flow away; leaving you feeling more energised and relaxed!
Choose from a lovely Indian Head Massage, adapted to suit your needs which can be performed lying down or seated.
Or a Tsuboki Face Massage a truly relaxing TREATment which leaves you and your skin, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
Treatments can be weekly, fortnightly or one a month…it’s your time – you choose!
* Book a Course of 3 Indian Head Massage or Tsuboki Face Massage & enjoy the 4th TREATment half price!
Course of 3 + 4th Indian Head Massage 87€50
Course of 3 + 4th Tsuboki Face Massage 105€00
*Book a course of 4 Indian Head Massage or Tsuboki Face Massage enjoy the 5th TREATment FREE
Indian Head Massage 100€00
Tsuboki Face Massage 120€00
You could choose both of the above massages then alternate and maybe combine your last TREATments to get the best of both!
Prices will be adjusted accordingly.
Redeeming your Gift Voucher? I have a special offer for you – Book your next TREATment/s on the day, and save 5€00 on your first session.
*Payable at time of booking please.
Offer ends 31st October

Holistically Yours – Pamela Smith EI