I have never thought of getting “older” as anything scary or something to dread, the menopause was never really something that was spoken about when I was younger, I know my mum had issues with migraines, and had a hysterectomy in her 40’s but she never really spoke about it, a generational thing, as much as anything I think. So really for me all that was to come, was quite a mystery when I was younger.

However I now know, as post hysterectomy and a menopausal lady in her mid fifties that things do change and sometimes drastically.
Our bodies change, the ache that used to disappear after a while, it’s there, it’s always there, brain fog, sleepless nights, constant fatigue and more….

There’s obviously much more to peri/menopause and post menopause than aches and pains and whilst I can speak from my point of view, it will differ considerably from anothers. This is why I am writing this as a “whole” rather than picking an age group that will benefit from Wellbeing Massage Treatments. The Change as it was once called is apt in so many aspects, our bodies, minds, brains, bones, muscles, wellbeing all have an impact from the menopause and it’s symptoms are more than “just a….” fill in the blank! The menopause is not my line of expertise, this is written for those that wish to know how a lovely wellbeing massage could help some symptoms.

Our brains and bodies change, we feel different with each decade, and mostly we do need to try to adjust accordingly and from a Holistic point of view we need to take everything into consideration and introduce much more self love and self care into our lives – whatever our age – mindest is important!

Can you believe, that for centuries the medical community pathologized hormonal changes. There was even thought to be a link between insanity and the female reproductive system, with people being locked in asylums due to menopausal symptoms. An interesting abstract can be found here

We know a little better now, as the years of “being locked away” have passed, yet many people continue to feel shame and confusion around the mental health changes that can be brought about by menopause. Stress, anxiety, depression, mood swings, irritability and anger are all normal, expected symptoms, and they can be helped by a healthy diet, exercise, yoga, meditation, and yes, massage.

Now let us see what a Wellbeing Massage can bring to you at this chapter of life…

Massage is an enjoyable and relaxing experience. It is also known to release tension in muscles and joints. Yet it has many other therapeutic values many of which are beneficial for women in menopause. 

Massage reduces fluid retention and swelling, stimulates blood circulation and promotes the lymphatic system.

Massage encourages hormones to be secreted at the right time, and in the right doses, enabling the endocrine /hormonal system to function healthily and preventing many health conditions.
Let massage therapy help with your hormone regulation, to encourage your overall health and wellbeing.

Massage can help alleviate pain, improve flexibility, and boost your mood. And of course, it works wonders as part of your self-care ritual. 

Massage helps with tendons and muscles, it is more likely that we experience musculoskeletal ailments like Achilles Tendonitis and Plantar Fasciitis due the decline in oestrogen during menopause, which also influences the structure and strength of the tendons.

Massage is therapy, it can help boost mood and emotional well-being by increasing the production of endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine.

Massage has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety levels in women during menopause. According to a study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, massage therapy can help reduce cortisol levels, which are associated with stress.

Massage helps with sleep. Having a regular “Massage Time” and learning to relax will assist with sleep quality, stress, and overall health.
If you are well rested, you will be able to cope more with daily stresses and changes, improving your quality of life. 

Massage reduces the effects of aging through decreased stress, improved sleep, and improved circulation and relaxation.

Massage and the serotonin-melatonin connection; a massage also stimulates the vagus nerve which is the major parasympathetic nerve in the body.
When your parasympathetic nervous system is in charge of your body functions, this part of your nervous system regulates the work of your organs and glands while you’re at rest.
Your relaxation response kicks in when you feel safe. It can actually block effects from your body’s response to stress.
These changes are good for your mental and physical health.

You can read here about what happens to our bodies when we Relax.

IF your goal is to keep the aches and pains at bay, or to feel better and even improve your mental health and sleep, you’ve got solid reasons to schedule massage treatment on a regular basis. Not only does massage have medicinal value, it’s also a way to treat yourself well, and there is nothing wrong with that!

I hope that this helps in many ways, because menopause brings changes to our lives, but I hope that you see how Massage can bring many good changes to your wellbeing over time.

I have also written a read along with this article that introduces the Carrier Oils and some Essential Oils that are used in the Treatment Room for mature and delicate skin. The Skin We are In will also cover other age groups, and help bring to light the wonderful benefits of these oils that I love!

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