This months focus is keeping on top of a Healthy Body…which will include Superfoods that will help you keep on top of your game!
Superfoods are nutrient-rich and a catalyst for good health and overall well-being. Not only do they optimize your immune system but they also have body-healing compounds, reduce inflammation and can kill off harmful bacteria.
I have to admit I am a bit rubbish at taking supplements, except for when I need pro-biotics or magnesium! So eating the rainbow really is important on keeping on top of our health! Especially coming into Winter and the “silly season” however, by eating a good selection of “super foods” we should be able to maintain a healthy body, hair, skin and nails!
I use my own blend of Essential Oils for my skin care routine and as it is feeling very much like winter and I am in the pool a lot at the moment, I do massage in a lovely relaxing blend every night onto my face. After pounding up and down the lane at the pool (well that’s how it feels to me some days) I have essential oil muscle rub that is applied to achy parts and keeps my skin nice and soft, apart from that – as I say – rubbish at keeping on top of supplements etc…
We include pretty much all colours into our daily menu, but as I am still struggling with some of the High FODMAP foods, I have found that I am now seeking other foods to balance body and health without being in pain after eating! It’s hard but the research has been worth it to know what the main contenders are! However luckily for those that suffer with digestive problems there ares still many superfoods that do the job…
Listed below are a mere fourteen of these superfoods, by eating them regularly not only will your body thank you but so will your brain – and your over all well being being looked after by nature, it will lead to a happy, healthy mind!

Many of the nutrients found in these foods are also “boosters” and can help with anxiety and depression.
1. Avocados
This monounsaturated fat fruit contributes to an increased healthy blood flow and brain health.
Avocados can lower blood pressure, decreasing the chance of cognitive decline.
2. Beans
Beans are a great source of iron and fibre and can keep your cholesterol levels in check, lower heart disease risk, reduce cancer risk, and keep your body humming for longer periods of time.
3. Berries
It doesn’t really matter what kind of berry you eat–they’re all packed with fibre, compounds, and antioxidants that, when eaten regularly, help keep your mind and body strong.
Blueberries can help improve memory and can reduce the effects of Alzheimer’s and dementia.And, a mere cup of strawberries packs a full-day supply of vitamin C, which contains skin-firming properties.
4. Broccoli – the florets are low FODMAP the stalk is high FODMAP
This green vegetable is packed with bone healthy vitamins like C, A, and K.
5. Dark chocolate
In moderation–no more than an ounce a day–dark chocolate is packed with antioxidants and natural stimulants that can increase focus, concentration, and enhance your mood. And dark chocolate may help reduce stress.
Chocolate has a high tryptophan content, which the body uses to turn into mood-enhancing such as serotonin in the brain.
Dark chocolate is also a good source of magnesium. Eating a diet with enough magnesium in it or taking supplements may reduce symptoms of depression.
When choosing dark chocolate, aim for 70 percent or more. Dark chocolate still contains added sugars and fats, so a small serving of 1 to 3 grams (g) is appropriate.
6. Eggs
Egg yolk contains antioxidants that help keep your eyes healthy, reduce the risk of macular degeneration, and may even protect your skin from UV damage.
Eggs also contain brain development and memory-enhancing choline. They also contain tryptophan, which is an amino acid that helps create serotonin. Serotonin is a chemical neurotransmitter that helps to regulate mood, sleep, memory, and behaviour.
Serotonin is also thought to improve brain function and relieve anxiety.
7. Fish (the oily variety)
Salmon and sardines are packed with omega-3’s that are incredibly important for brain function and even contain substances that fight off nasty disease-causing inflammation.
Omega-3 is a fatty acid that has a strong relationship with cognitive function as well as mental health.
Salmon and sardines are also among the few foods that contain vitamin D.
8. Nuts and seeds
Eat nuts and live longer, the number one reason to eat a handful daily.
Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that promote heart health, reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol, and can even improve your mood.
Rich in omega-3’s, flaxseed are touted as one of the most powerful plant foods available.
9. Oranges
We all know that oranges are packed with vitamin C, but what some may not know is that vitamin C is crucial for the production of white blood cells and antibodies that are powerful infection fighters.
9. Quinoa
Touted as one of the best grains to eat, quinoa is packed with protein, iron, and fibre and can help control weight, lower risk of heart disease, and help prevent diabetes.
10. Spinach and kale
Spinach has the power to form healthy new cells and is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and fibre.
11. Sweet potatoes
They are rich in vitamin A strengthening the immune system, eye and bone health.
12. Tea
Tea contains high-quality antioxidants called flavonoids, and because of this, tea can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and cancer, promote healthier bones, gums and teeth, and heighten memory, focus, and mood.
3. Tomatoes
They have something hard to get in any other food–lycopene. And, because of this, tomatoes can help protect skin from UV rays, lower cholesterol.
14. Yogurt
Yogurt contains good bacteria for a healthy gut and reduced intestinal illnesses.
Yogurt contains probiotics or “good bacteria” that help keep our guts healthy.
Just 1 cup of yogurt provides nearly half the recommended daily value of calcium and, because it’s so rich in calcium, it also aids in the prevention of osteoporosis.
It also delivers phosphorus, potassium, zinc, riboflavin, vitamin B12 and protein.
Choose Greek yogurt for an even bigger protein boost and whenever possible reach for plain.
Flavoured yogurts tend to have lots of added sugar which add calories without nutrition.
Yogurt contains healthful bacteria, Lactobaccilus and Bifidobacteria.
There is emerging evidence that these bacteria and fermented products have positive effects on brain health. Including yogurt and other fermented food in the diet can benefit the natural gut bacteria and may reduce anxiety and stress.
Fermented foods include cheese, sauerkraut, kimchi, and fermented soy products.
As I mentioned above – the foods above are not only good for our body and brain but also can help lower anxiety and depression – there is a link between Sugar (processed) and mental health, it does make sense to start working out what foods could trigger a panic attack or anxiety.
I will be sharing Health & Food articles over the next few weeks which will include good foods that could help Anxiety and Depression, and how to get the best for our Hair and Skin health also.