18 years ago I became a Reiki 1 practitioner with a lovely Reiki Master who actually lived in my home town in the UK.
I then, a year later also studied Indian Head Massge with her. Following the methods and teaching of Nerendra Mehta. We practised seated and fully clothed which is great in certain situations but also she taught me about Essential oils blended to use as a massage of the upper body to the head and face. The course took with Lynn incorporated so much, so I had a great basis when I embarked on my other courses to further my knowledge.
Reiki 2 was taken with a study of crystal healing alongside, the same year.
When we moved here, I wanted to start my Holistic Therapies here but years ago when we went to discuss how to work here in France as a Self Employed person, it was harder as AE now ME didn’t exist – but neither really, did Complementary Therapies – there was it seemed no place for me at that time in the system!
Hence when I had the chance of becoming an AE I could with Photography – there was a category for that! So after a few more years, working in the local Maternelle and looking after a young french lad, I went “solo” no mean feat! But I still kept up with my Reiki and my love of crystals – sharing with the girls and some of my friends.
Skip to early 2017 and I started Nutrition courses and an Indian Head Massage course – as in my book, never can you learn enough. And at this point I was focused on nutrition and Indian Head Massage, Reiki was still a part of my life so I really wanted to start sharing my love of these two wonderful holistic therapies.
That’s when I realised – I had lost my original certificates and lo and behold just a couple of weeks ago, there they were winking at me – in a folder that I have looked at so many times before but never “registered it” I was thrilled because basically all the certificates attained from Swim Teacher to Brownie Guider were all in that folder!
So now 17 years on – I have been lucky to follow the path that I intended to when we arrived here – it’s funny how life takes you off on a journey – without the photography I would have not had the chance to meet and make some wonderful people, great friendships have been forged and I have been lucky to have the chance to sell my Unique PhotoCards at markets and in shops over the years! And yes – I still sell them 😉
I am so thankful that I have the support of my husband, parents, inlaws and all my friends, and of course new clients that came for a couple of treatments and that have become loyal clients where again friendships have been forged.
I treated my first client 3 years ago this week – sadly she moved back to the UK but she has been with me all the time – encouraging and being a very patient case study with my newer massage therapies. I also have another friend that is a great one to practise on – mostly she falls asleep such a huge compliment, but without her coming along and letting me practise I may well be using the fluffy Flossie cat! Having my husband to practise on is also very helpful, when we do have the chance for me to work out his stresses and strains it’s normally at the end of a long day or long week, his support is endless!
I just want to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone that comes along or that has supported me in the last few years and to those that have moved away but still remind me, why I love what I do!
Here’s to another year!