On my quest to find lovely Essential Oil blends for my Indian Head Massages, the blends are being used and enjoyed and so far have continued to be a hit, I always make sure that my clients have the blend of their choice at the time of the Indian Head Massage – I know there are some clients that favour a particular one, so I incorporate that Essential Oil to their blend for their regular IHM Treatment, I like to make sure that it is a personal choice and that the reason that particular blend has been chosen will then enhance and benefit the IHM to the clients enjoyment, relaxation and well being! We will always discuss the type of blend you may wish to use for your treatment and when contraindications show, we use an alternative that is still uplifting and aids the wellbeing, this is why it is essential we discuss any type of health issue/allergy.
*It is also recommended that the clients don’t go home and shower immediately but try to leave the oils on their hair/body for as long as possible furthering the Essential Oils beneficial properties….

I have many people asking about oils that are good for pain relief, such as arthiritis, shoulder problems etc… there are many oils that can and do aid pain relief…..and I try to make blends that will suit “pain” which is a very broad spectrum but by having one or two blends that may help at hand it gives clients a chance to try and see if indeed they like the blend. As I have said previously if you let me know prior to your appointment I will make a blend especially for you. I blend Essential Oils that are beneficial to the balance of your wellbeing and some may not like the particular scent of a blend but remember, they have been blended to help ease ailments. Please also remember all the EO blends I make are applied topically and have a base oil, again it helps me to know if you have any allergies to plants/nuts prior to our appointment.

The cold weather has found us! Mind you after all that rain, it’s quite nice to be back to sunny, blue skies with that ‘brrrrrrr’ feeling but I quite like wrapping up in scarves and hats!! So with that in mind I have introduced a lovely “Winter Warmer” EO blend for my clients over the next few weeks….think, winter, warm fires, baking, think smells of mulled wine and comfort food…… I maybe risking it slightly but hey ho – it’s nearly Christmas

And because I really cannot make decisions I have included TWO of the oils in the blend

The first new EO in the bottles this month is……..

Cinnamon Leaf Oil 

The cinnamon tree belongs to the Lauraceae family and provides commerce with two different oils; cinnamon leaf essential oil and cinnamon bark essential oil.

Known botanically as Cinnamomum verum or C. zeylanicum, cinnamon originates from the island of Sri Lanka and the neighbouring Malabar Coast of India. It is also found in Madagascar, Comoros Islands, the Tenasserim Hills of Burma, South America and the West Indies.

Historical background
Cinnamon is one of the oldest aromatics which has also enjoyed an illustrious history as a spice and medicine.
As early as 1500 B.C. the Arabs were controlling the distribution of both types of ‘cinnamon’ to Babylon, Egypt and Rome, and were able to monopolise this lucrative trade by keeping their sources a closely guarded secret.

About 1,800 years later the Romans began making expeditions across the Indian Ocean to source cinnamon and other precious commodities directly themselves, thereby revealing the secret of its origin.

In Egypt, cinnamon was used for embalming purposes, medicine and incense, whilst in medieval Europe it was highly prized as a flavouring as well as an aromatic in religious rites.

Benefits of Cinnamon Leaf
Cinnamon has an expansive range of medicinal applications that have been embraced by many cultures throughout history, including the treatment of arthritis, diarrhoea, infections, menstrual disorders, nausea, rheumatism and sore throats.

Cinnamon leaf essential oil is also a powerful antiseptic, and can be used effectively to stop infections such as coughs, colds and viral infections from spreading.

Cinnamon oil also acts as a tonic to the mind and body, reducing drowsiness and bringing a welcome boost to flagging energy levels if you are suffering from exhaustion or burn-out.

Its stimulating action also makes it an effective essential oil for boosting or maintaining the immune system.

It has a warming and antispasmodic effect on the body, so in addition cinnamon essential oil is said to:
stimulate circulation
reduce stress
relieve pain
fight off infections
improve digestion
 protect against insects.

In massage it is excellent for easing muscular aches and pains, arthritis and rheumatism.

Contraindications of Cinnamon Leaf EO

Those with health conditions such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease or other heart-related ailments, peptic ulcers, liver damage, bleeding disorders such as hemophilia, or skin disorders are especially recommended to be advised.

Cinnamon Oil may potentially react with certain medications, such as diabetes medication or anticoagulant medication, and may cause dyspnea. Those seeking medical care to manage moods, behaviors, or disorders should treat this essential oil as a complementary remedy rather than a replacement for any medicinal treatments or prescriptions.

It is recommended that direct sunlight be avoided for up to 12 hours after using this essential oil

AND next up:


Vanilla is easily one of the most popular and recognizable scents and flavours in the world. Once among the most precious substances in the world, it has been a highly sought-after plant since the height of the Aztec empire.

The History of Vanilla
A member of the orchid family, the vanilla plant (V. planifolia) is native to Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. Though many orchids are edible, vanilla is the only plant out of 25,000 orchid species that’s a cultivated food source.
Vanilla was originally cultivated by the Totonacs before they were conquered by the Aztecs in the 1400s.
The Totonacs used it in for everything from sweetening their drinking chocolate to adding flavor to cigars.
When the Aztecs were conquered by the Spanish, all of their riches were brought to Europe, including vanilla. However, it didn’t become popular in Europe until the 1600s when vanilla-flavored desserts became a favorite of Queen Elizabeth I.
After that, the spice quickly became popular in France, where Thomas Jefferson first tried vanilla ice cream and took it back to America.
Vanilla has grown in popularity since, becoming the main ingredient not only in food and drink, but in perfumes and beauty products.

What Is Vanilla Essential Oil?
Strictly speaking, there’s no such thing as vanilla essential oil. That’s because the extraction process for vanilla essence is different than the process for extracting essential oils, which are created through an expeller, steam distillation, or cold-pressing. Vanilla bean pods can’t be used in any of these extraction methods, so technically, there is no pure vanilla essential oil.

One of the most noteworthy benefits vanilla essential oil can offer you is its antioxidant nature.
This property neutralizes free radicals and helps protect your body. Antioxidants also helps stimulate repair of the body for any existing damage.
Perhaps the most relaxing benefit of vanilla essential oil, though, is its ability to lift your mood.
This antidepressant ability is due to vanillin hydroxybenzaldehyde, which lends itself to vanilla’s warm, strong aroma.
Along these same lines, vanilla essential oil can also soothe inflammation and hyperactivity in your body’s respiratory, circulatory, digestive, nervous, and excretory systems, making it known as a bit of a “sedative”.

Uses for Vanilla Essential Oil:

Promotes Relaxation
Vanilla is widely-credited as a calming substance that creates positive associations and evokes feelings of warmth and happiness. That’s one of the primary reasons that vanilla is used in so many bath and body products: it evokes such a relaxing sensation.

Improves Sleep Quality
Vanilla works on both a physical and mental level to help you relax. It quiets the mind and relieves tension, so you’re lulled more easily to sleep. When used in a diffuser in the bedroom for a short period of time before bed, vanilla essential oil can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

Maintains Respiratory Health
Vanilla, especially on bedding pillows, has been shown to help you breathe easier at night because it promotes relaxation and affects the respiratory centre in the brain.

Defends Against Disease
Vanilla has also been shown to stop bacteria from spreading and joining with other kinds of bacteria.
This is the leading cause for the development of treatment-resistant bacterial strains.

Acts as an Aphrodisiac
The molecular structure of vanilla essential oil is similar to that of human pheromones. These are chemical substances produced and released into the environment by animals. So, vanilla scents are definitely an attractor, encouraging increased levels of estrogen and testosterone.

Relieves PMS Symptoms
Because vanilla essential oil has been shown to boost estrogen production, it can help alleviate symptoms of PMS like bloating, fatigue, and cramps, as well as better-regulate emotions.

Boosts Skin and Hair Health
Vanilla essential oil contains B vitamins that are important for healthy and shiny hair. Some people even say that it can help prevent hair loss! The niacin, thiamin, and pantothenic acid found in vanilla essential oil help promote skin health, keeping skin clear of acne and fending off free radical damage. It can also help prevent wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots.

With those uses and the warm, comforting scent of vanilla, can you imagine anything more relaxing?

*Contraindications of Vanilla Essential Oil
Safety and Precautions: Vanilla essential oil is considered safe for aromatic and topical use when diluted in a carrier oil. It is not safe to apply pure vanilla essential oil directly to the skin. Likewise, it’s not safe for human consumption unless it’s food-grade vanilla extract sold in grocery stores.
As with most essential oils, using vanilla by women who are pregnant or nursing, as well as children, is discouraged.

Looking forward to trying out my new Winter Warmer blend with you soon

* This information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor. Holistically Yours disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information.

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