We know that Avocados are not only good for our insides but the outside too – its moisturising fats and high content of skin-nourishing Vitamin E means it’s great for healthy hair, skin and nails.

Just because your avocado has gone bad doesn’t mean it’s lost all its vital nutrients, and when applied topically you’ll still be able to reap the benefits. So when life gives you brown avocados, put it on your hair or on your skin along with lemons, bananas and honey.

If you are wanting to know more about the nutritional benefits of the humble Avo please refer to Nutritional Bites article

If you are not sure what to do with a ripe or indeed VERY ripe Avo and thinking about binning it then, think again….as long as it is not really terribly brown you can still use it up in many ways!

If it’s not appealing visually – hide it in a variety of recipes….here’s some for starters! If you have any of your own faves – please feel free to share

If you are looking for a tasty and nutritious dessert you can’t go far wrong with this – I have made it several times and no-one guessed the main ingredient!


1 ripe avocado
¼ cup cocoa powder
¼ cup raw agave nectar (optional)
¼ cup almond milk
1 tsp vanilla extract

Purée all together and serve chilled!
The process of chilling seems to make the Avo taste disappear – honest!

Below is another one I found a while back – never got around to making it but it’s on my list!

Chocolate Avocado Fudge

Yields 25 pieces


  • 1 bar (3 ounces) bittersweet or dark chocolate (70 percent cocoa or higher),
  • chopped 1 large avocado, pitted and pureed
  • 1/3 cup organic full-fat coconut milk (canned)
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Stevia to taste
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • Raw pistachios (or other nuts), chopped (optional)


1. Line an 8-by-8-inch baking pan with parchment paper, allowing the excess to hang over the sides.

2. Heat all ingredients except pistachios in a medium glass bowl set over a pan of barely simmering water (making sure bowl doesn’t touch water), stirring until chocolate has completely melted and mixture is smooth.

Add nuts, if using, and stir to incorporate.

Scrape mixture into prepared pan, using a spatula to smooth the top.

Refrigerate until firm, at least 2 hours and preferably overnight. (The longer it chills, the firmer it gets, but this is still soft fudge.)

3. Use parchment paper to lift fudge out of pan and to a cutting board. Peel off parchment paper and cut into 1-inch pieces.

Store refrigerated in an air-tight container.

Recipe by Kibby’s Blended Life

Avocado oil is rich in fatty acids and is excellent for moisturizing the skin. In addition to vitamin E, avocado oil contains potassium, lecithin, and many other nutrients that can nourish and moisturize the skin.

It’s all about the Hair

To make a moisturising hair mask from your browning avocado, simply combine and mash these ingredients together:

1/2 an avocado
1 tsp coconut oil or olive oil (optional)

Massage it into hair – if you have long hair tie it into a loose bun – and pop a shower cap on if you have one. This will help seal in the nutrients, and for optimum results take a nice hot bath. The steam will help penetrate your scalp and post-shampoo, you should be left lovely soft locks.

DIY Avocado and Banana Face Mask.
These natural ingredients are great for your inside and outside! When something goes brown we tend to throw it out, and let’s face it brown doesn’t really appeal, but you can still used both on the outside if you don’t want to use them in a recipe!


1 ripe avocado
1 ripe banana
2 tsp. olive oil
1 tsp. honey

You can also use as well as or instead of the banana and olive oil; Oats or egg white, Lemon juice or coconut oil.

Face Mask
Using a spoon, scoop the avocado into a blender or food processor.
Peel and slice the banana.
Add banana and remaining ingredients to the blender or food processor. Combine until smooth.
Before you apply the facial, cleanse your face as you normally would.
If you use toner, apply this before the facial.
Smooth the avocado and banana mask onto your skin and neck.
If the area around your eyes is sensitive, do not apply the mask there. Leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes;
rinse the mask off with warm water.
As soothing as it is moisturising, maybe when you are relaxing on a Sunday evening you could apply the mask that could be a nice way to start the next, inevitably busy week ahead!

As a facial moisturiser
To use avocado as a facial moisturizer, a person can take the inside of an avocado peel and massage it onto their face.

Leave the residue on for about 15 minutes, and then rinse the face with warm water.

If you have Avocado oil in the cupboard “it was just one of those buys” but you discovered you really don’t like the taste of it, and not sure when you will ever use it in cooking, don’t waste it……apply it!

For scalp care
If you suffer with a dry scalp, you may benefit from using avocado oil in a hot oil treatment. To heat the oil, pour 3–5 tablespoons into a small glass jar, and place the jar in a saucepan of recently boiled water.

Test the temperature of the oil frequently, to prevent it from getting too hot. When the oil is warm, remove the jar from the water and gently massage the oil into the scalp.

The oil can be left overnight and shampooed out in the morning. This may help to reduce dandruff and dry, flaky skin on the scalp.

Treating dry, inflamed skin

To heal and soften rough, dry skin, mix equal amounts of avocado and olive oils, and apply the mixture to the skin once or twice a day.

To give the mixture a scent, try one or two drops of an essential oil, such as lavender.

IF you do have dry scalp or skin and coming to see me for an Indian Head Massage treatment, please let me know and I can make a special blend for you, using Avocado oil as the base and other essential oils which all help your skin in addition to helping with your hair and scalp.

The Stone facts:

The avocado seed has multiple health benefits and can help inflammation of the GI tract and diarrhoea too. In South America, the stone is used for dysentery and other GI tract issues

The easiest way to eat the seed is to grind it up and add it to smoothies. Not only does it give your smoothie some added texture, but with its several nutrients including calcium, magnesium and potassium, it’s a lot cheaper than expensive supplements.

You can cut up the stone using a heavy knife and grind up the chunks in your smoothie maker or blender. It will start to turn orange very quickly so you’ll need to add it to your smoothie asap as it may start to release tannins so you don’t want to leave it out for too long.The other option is to dehydrate the stone before grinding it up – this option takes longer but you’ll be able to store it for future use!
Find out more health benefits of using the stone, here

Lastly, if you’re green fingered;
Make a compost for fertilising your plants with your overripe avocados. The skin can take a long time to break down so if you’re in a hurry scoop out the flesh and remove the pit before slicing the avocado up but if you’re not too bothered with timings, add the skin and pit. It’ll all just take different times to break down.
Your plants will love this superfood just as much as you do; if you are making compost to throw in that banana skin as well, to really help and it all helps save land waste!

Grow your own Avocado house plan
Got a browning Avocado on your hands? Grow your own Avocado houseplant! Sadly it’s very unlikely to grow any avocado fruits, but with their shiny vibrant leaves this houseplant that will bring a beautiful touch of green to your home.

How to grow your own – here

For more food recipes using Avocado as a base ingredient :

Have some fun with your food, and make time for you! Just applying a mask on a Sunday night or even a weeknight can make you feel de-stressed, get rid of toxins and help you to relax – mind, body and spirit!

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