A few months back one of my lovely friends gave me a can of Jackfruit to try – she said it was great for making a “pulled pork dish but obviously without the pork”– which, to be honest is great as I was not that keen on Pork anyway, even before all this non meat eating malarkey 😉
So this tin, it’s been sat in the cupboard and I keep looking at it – and it just looks back at me! I even took it out of the cupboard and left it in plain view.
I think to be honest I was a little intimidated by this tin! It was the same when I was uncertain about the Tofu – but now we are converts to the Tofu after trying it twice previously we have now added it to our meal rotation on a regular basis – I just have to be organised for the prepping!
BUT this tin was different, I really had no idea what it was going to be at all..what would it cook like – how long would it take – what should I make with it?? But as Michelle https://franglaisdeliveries.com had said it was great I thought I really should get around to it and use it…and that way I could finally give my opinion about it, one way or another!
In the end I decided that we would have it this wee, I had most of the cupboard ingredients for a Tajine…was this even a dish that could be made with Jackfruit – enter Google and right up the top a recipe from https://holycowvegan.net/vegan-jackfruit-lamb-tagine/
Of course I didn’t follow the recipe completely, that would have been far too simple but actually it still cooked as it should have done and it did take quite a long time – so I would suggest making time to cook it rather than give yourself thirty minutes!
I had already added some spices to the Jackfruit when I emptied the tin earlier and rinsed it thoroughly and, then put it back in the fridge to marinate.
On reading about this fruit, I understand it so much more, it is a very similar beast to Tofu as in, it absorbs whatever flavours you add! However jackfruit does lack one quality as a meat substitute, it is not a protein, so it is worth bearing in mind to add a protein to your dish…
Vegetables higher in Protein are spinach, potatoes, broccoli, asparagus and even sweet potatoes!
Legumes, Chia Seeds, Nuts, Green Peas & Lentils are also high in Protein and any of those would go well with the Jackfruit.
What is Jackfruit?
The jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus), also known as jack tree, is a species of tree in the fig, mulberry, and breadfruit family (Moraceae). Its origin is in the region between the Western Ghats of southern India and the rainforests of Malaysia.
The jack tree is well-suited to tropical lowlands, and is widely cultivated throughout tropical regions of the world. It bears the largest fruit of all trees, reaching as much as 55 kg (120 pounds) in weight, 90 cm (35 inches) in length, and 50 cm (20 inches) in diameter. A mature jack tree produces some 200 fruits per year, with older trees bearing up to 500 fruits in a year. The jackfruit is a multiple fruit composed of hundreds to thousands of individual flowers, and the fleshy petals of the unripe fruit are eaten. The ripe fruit is sweet (depending on variety) and is more often used for desserts. Canned jackfruit has a mild taste and meat-like texture that lends itself to being called a “vegetable meat”.
Jackfruit is commonly used in South and Southeast Asian cuisines.
Both ripe and unripe fruits are consumed. The jackfruit is the national fruit of Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, and the state fruit of the Indian states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. It is available internationally canned or frozen and in chilled meals as are various products derived from the fruit such as noodles and chips.

We had the Tinned Jackfruit in Brine but now we know, that indeed we have seen the fresh fruit in Grand Frais! Not sure if we would take on the whole fruit but if it is a good price to buy, I don’t see why not – it just won’t be soaked in brine or syrup – yes there is a sweet version as well!
So to the recipe you are looking at a prep time of 20 mins and Cooking time of 1 hr and most of that is done in the oven or next time I will do it in the slow cooker overnight! I think that would be just as good…for those with a Tajine then yes – use that!
If you are looking for Jackfruit in France – it’s not easy to find in a can, so we have looked online and have found it – at Kazidomi you don’t have to become a member to buy anything but they do have a great array of products!

Well after an hour of waiting – dinner of Jackfruit Tajine was served..the verdict – absolutely delish! Really was so very tasty, very filling and lasted 3 meals – as I had some gluten free pastry so made a pie using the leftovers which did us 2 dinners as well – so value for money for two people is excellent! Would we have it again? Absolutely 100% there are a couple of tins sitting in the shopping cart waiting for me to press order!
I think we would definitely make the “pulled Jackfruit” next time and I would quite like Mr S to make a curry!
SO if you happen upon the fruit or a tin I would say – don’t feel intimidated, crack it open and go for it.. the only ones disappointed here were the 2 cats, they heard the tin open and thought they were in for a Tuna treat!!! 🙂
Bon Appetite!

So that’s another lovely alternative to our meatless menu – if nothing else it is making us try new foods and getting quite creative as well 🙂