Oh, is this wonderful weather we have here in France! Winter is really upon us (even though we aren’t officially there yet!) the lead up is really rather cold! We seem to have left those cold night/warm days behind now! Grey and Rainy at the moment add that in with the cold wind – fabulous!!
So what better than finding recipes that not only bring a little foody comfort but that have a healthy slant to them as well! That’s what Sundays are for I find!
Back in Autumn eldest daughter sent me a recipe for Butternut Squash Gnocchi, so like a good mother I thought I would make it for them (well and us too) I intended to make Butternut Squash Soup for the week anyway so it seemed pratical to use the whole squash and feed all four of us at the same time 🙂
Let’s turn our attention to the Gnocchi, it is all very simple to be honest!
Cook the Butternut Squash – cut in half, scoop out the flesh of one half – dispose of seeds (or roast them!)
Put the flesh in a bowl, leave to cool then mash until it is soft – you may have to drain some water out.
Now you add in flour – the original recipe suggested 2 cups of all purpose flour, I used Sorgho and probably used more like 3-4 cups! I added some nutmeg but you can add salt as well – recipe suggests white pepper.
It took a long time for the BNS and flour to reach a dough mix. Just add the flour a cup at a time rather than throwing it all in…
Then once it is a dough, remove half of the mixture and put the rest to one side your can wrap it and leave in the fridge for a couple of days.
Start kneading your dough and then break a chunk off to roll – then make little balls or rugby shape balls….when you want to eat them pop in a saucepan of water, bring to the boil and watch them pop up!
It goes a very long way so if you are making for 2 only use half the squash! So versatile and veggie/vegan friendly, you can use any type of flour making them GF as well….(see below for BNS info)
Serve with veggies or food of your choice 🙂
I have to say I found them very different to the “normal” gnocchi, they were quite dense but that maybe because I didn’t let the BNS cool long enough and therefore needed more flour! I would make them again though, Mr S said they were very tasty! I am awaiting the girls review…but that could be next year 😉
SO there it is….. BNS Gnocchi – 2 ingredients and a great addition to your plate!

Consuming plant foods, such as butternut squash, decreases the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and overall mortality. It can also enhance the complexion, increase energy, and contribute to a healthy weight. Butternut squash is a good source of dietary fibre. It has 3 grams of dietary fibre per 1 cup serving. Fibre has a number of health benefits; one of which is the ability to slow down the absorption of other digestible carbs, thus resulting in less of a blood sugar spike following a meal or snack. Butternut squash is an abundant source of powerful antioxidants, including vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene. Antioxidants help prevent or slow cellular damage and reduce inflammation. As with any food that is high in fibre – make sure you drink plenty of water to help the absorbtion of the BNS this can help prevent the Bloat….don’t have lots just have some…your gut will get used to in the end!
Bon Appetite

Dec 2020