Holistically Yours – Price List 2022

These treatments are generally an hour but there is no rush

Tsuboki Face Massage – 30€
Indian Head Massage seated / couch -25€
Hopi Ear Cones – 25€
Full Body Massage – 50€
Reiki 20€

These Treatments are generally 1 hour 30

Tsuboki Face Massage & relaxing foot and/or hand massage – 45€
Relaxing Foot/Leg Massage & Back and Shoulders – 45€
IHM couch & relaxing Foot Massage – 45€
IHM couch & Tsuboki Face Massage – 50€
Hopi Ear Cones & Foot or Back massage 45€
Hopi Ear Cones & a Full body massage 65€
Hopi Ear Cones & Tsuboki Face Massage 40€
Hopi Ear Cones & IHM couch 45€

*Please note that Hopi Ear Cones includes a 15 minute face massage & also can be combined perfectly with Tsuboki Face Massage for a longer Treatment.*

If you would like a Combination Massage not shown in the list above please contact me and we can certainly work something out for you!

Prices are current until January 2022 and do no include any of my special offers on any single Treatments – any Gift Voucher purchased for above Treatment/s will have a 6 month date and prices will remain as above until they have expired.

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